Monday, 9 January 2017

COP3: Final Strips

Here are my final autobiographical strips.

I'm happy with all 3 and I feel that all 3 carry different moods.

  • Format is very strong, the 6 panel structure is a good way of continuing a weekly practice as time is not taken up thinking about layout.
  • HOWEVER, this structure is open to flexibly as panels can be combined as shown in Eye Contact. This could be used to combine and maybe perhaps a dramatic comics where all panels are combined to create a single, big statement panel.
  • Strong visual language such as the bold lines, big blocks of black. 
  • The personalised font was a good choice, I am not skilled in choosing fonts and spend a lot of time doing it. Creating my own font gave's the comic a personal touch. 
  • My girlfriend feels she's been well represented and enjoys them.

  • Colour could make it potentially more attractive, but I was trying to keep in mind the art of my researched artists, some used colour and some did not. Not using colour is a time saving exercise and makes weekly comics easier to produce.
  • If beginning the project again I would have tried to set a goal of one of these a week, and thus have a body of work, rather than proposing it.

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