Tuesday, 15 November 2016

COP3: I'm Fed Up with The Obsession with "Coming Out"

"We expect for people who deviate from the norm to want to be normal." 
-Mads Ananda Lodahl 

I am aware Fun Home is a coming out story, obviously, and coming out stories are important, but I feel coming out stories are over done. I want more LGBT stories than just coming out. Also LGBT people don't come out once, they come out constantly throughout their lives, we come out to family, friends, etc but every time we meet someone we decide weather to tell them or not. I think it also invalidates people who can't come out for saftey reasons, and have to remain in the closet.

I feel people focus more on the idea of being "free" than the idea of why we feel the need to be "in the closet" in the first place.

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