Thursday, 27 October 2016

COP3: TED TALK: Mads Ananda Lodahl and The Straight World Order

"Queer means a lot of different things, but something that’s essential to the queer perspective is to turn the focus away from the people who deviate from the straight norm onto the straight norm itself. To stop asking questions like “why do people become gay” and “why do gays have to act like that”  and start asking the big question, “how did the normal become normal?” That is: “How did the straight norm become so strong and so integrated into every part of our lives, our societies, our relationships and ourselves that for us to even begin to understand what the straight world order is, is like asking a fish to describe water”

"We expect for people who deviate from the norm to want to be normal."

Lodahl speaks of the straight world order and it but it shares a big resemblance to heteronormativity, a quick search seems to imply that he is one of the only ones using it. I guess heteronormativity is slightly "tighter" and the straight world order has he explains it is slightly larger a concept. I'd be tempted to say it's the same thing explained a little differently. Perhaps I should ask him. 

Overall I enjoyed this video and I liked some of the quotes I've got from it that I can possibly use. It also made me think about myself a lot ad my own experiences with heteronormativity and the straight world order, and why I choose to write about it. It made me realise how personal a project this is for me and made me look at why I feel awkward and vulnerable talking about this subject to tutors/peers/etc

"Hiding makes it harder for others who can’t hide"

Although I think people should hide if they feel unsafe, it's a very good point that by hiding the more visible people are more prone to violence, the idea of saftey in numbers etc. I definitely feel better seeing other LGBT people being visible.

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