Traditional Classroom:
- Teacher centred
- Didactic
- Students follow Instructions
- Disempowering
Flipped Classroom:
- Student centred
- Explorative
- Students Actively Engage
- Empowering
Jacques Ranciere:
- French Theorist
- Trendy Philosopher
- His most famous works include, "The Ignorant Schoolmaster" and "The Politics of Aesthetics"
May 1968:
- Social and Civil unrest in Paris led by young students.
- Against the prevailing social order
- Workers joined the students
- They were angry that higher education was so expensive, unattainable, middle and high class, rich, white, male
- They also believed Higher Education was becoming too specialised, and by specialising students weren't being given a wider and better education.
- They felt education was about training cogs in a machine
- Also pro sexual education
- Students threw paving bricks at the police
- Graffitied institutions
- Distributed sexual health leaflets
- Took over universities and art schools by barricading themselves in. Print studios where used to make protest posters that were plaster over the streets of paris.
Althusser and Ranciere:
- Philosopher Althusser theorised that capitalism is held by certain state apparatus's.
- Repressive state apparatus:- Police, prison, etc
- Idealogical state apparatus:- Media, Church, school
- Idealogical state apparatus's are things that reproduce the ideas of capitalist thinking, like being a singular person, being a number, things that keep people happy with their lot in life.
- Ranciere counters this by saying Althusser is part of the problem, saying "Althusserism is committed to preserving the power it brings to light", e.g. Althusser is a teacher and therefore benefiting from being higher in the hierarchy than his students. He'd not write himself out of a job.
- Ranciere questions the need for teachers at all.
Ranciere's ideas:
- Ranciere looks at workers who are poets and artists outside of their jobs as labourers. He thinks on how they challenge the idea that "hobbyists" and labourers are excluded from serious art.
- They rebel by being more than workers.
- He thinks about why people have trouble identifying themselves outside of their work/position in a capitalist system.
- People are divided and put into different layer and fixed, based on class, race, sex, etc.
- Even in art school we are divided into subjects, and there is a hierarchy amongst which subject are higher than others, etc.
- This system stops people participating in different activities.
- Athoritarian teachers are apart of the police system.
- People within the system self police themselves.
The Ignorant Schoolmaster:
- Based on Ranciere's analysis of a french teacher who taught his dutch students french by giving them two copies of a book.
- Rangiere theorises that maybe the teacher gets in the way of students learning organically. The teacher explains and gives answers. The teacher socialises you into accepting you're not as intelligent as you are and that there will always be someone higher than you and to relay on other people for answers.
- With this teaching is about supporting inequality.
- What kind o society can you build thinking that everyone is intelligent.
- Writers writing in flowery over the top language is showing contempt for the working class who won't understand, gatekeeping.
- Universal teaching will not take
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