Suggested Research Question.
This can be a topic or theme, but please try to be as precise as possible.
Queer Women in Ancient History
Which Of The Module Resources Does This Question Relate To?
You can find these on eStudio - Try to list at least three.
Which Academic Sources Are Available On The Topic?
Include a Harvard Referenced bibliography of at least 5 sources.
-Rabinowitz, Nancy Sorkin, and Lisa Auanger. Among Women. Austin: University of Texas Press, 2002. Print.
-Rich, Adrienne Cecile. 'Compulsory Heterosexuality And Lesbian Existence (1980)'. Journal of Women's History 15.3 (2003): 11-48. Web.
-Halperin, David M. 'Is There A History Of Sexuality?'. History and Theory 28.3 (1989): 257. Web.
-Unger, N. C. 'Teaching "Straight" Gay And Lesbian History'. Journal of American History 93.4 (2007): 1192-1199. Web.
-Garber, Linda. 'Claiming Lesbian History: The Romance Between Fact And Fiction'. Journal of Lesbian Studies 19.1 (2015): 129-149. Web.
How Could The Research Question Be Investigated Through Practice?
What Graphic Design would you make in response to this, and why?
-I could make illustrations based on my findings
-I could draw more well known historical women to up their profile
-I could draw my own interpretations of historical queer women so that people could see them and challenge the idea that queer women didn't just appear in the modern world out of nowhere?
-I could illustrate facts about historical women to educate people that queer women to have a history
Peer Feedback – How could this topic be refined / developed?
Show this form to a fellow student. They should record their feedback in the box below
Naomi Crompton:
"Keep specific in your topic and research, because we only have 3000 words"