- Heteronormativity is an ideology that promotes gender conventionality, heterosexuality, and family traditionalism as the correct way for people to be. Heteronormativity, then, is the implicit moral system or value framework that surrounds the practice of heterosexuality. (RF Oswald, LB Blume, SR Marks - 2005 )
- Lesbian conversationalists also talk about social and political activities in which they or others are involved including election to the committee of an LGBT organization (NE05) and attending lesbian and gay social events (NE03, NE21, SW34)—labelling them as lesbian (or gay or LGBT, etc.) in a way no heterosexual speaker ever labels an event as heterosexual. (V Land, C Kitzinger, 2005)
- We suggest that “rethinking the sociology of the closet” means paying attention to the detail of the everyday ways in which heterosexuality is “routinized” and “normalized” as a hegemonic identity—such that coming out as lesbian continues to involve the disrup- 410 Victoria Land and Celia Kitzingertion of tacit assumptions and the correction of taken-for-granted versions of the world. Life beyond the closet still involves decisions about whether “[t]o display or not to display; to tell or not to tell; to let on or not to let on; to lie or not to lie; and in each case, to whom, how, when, and where” (Goffman, 1963, p. 57).
- "Television is a place of escape, of fictional escapades where the ridiculous can happen or even just the unlikely is possible, and if there's more diversity among zombie characters than LGBT, that's a problem. All kinds of unrealistic things happen in the scripts of our favorite TV shows, and if Ted Mosby can get the girl of his dreams by being a floundering "nice guy" with a passive-aggressive chip on his shoulder, then there's absolutely no reason for there not to be more LGBT representation on television networks. Am I saying this is anyone's fault? No, not exactly: what I am saying is that it's heteronormativity." (Presley Phillips, 2015)
- LGBTQ individuals at the bottom of this hierarchy (e.g.bi/pan people, trans people, non-binary people, people of non-Western genders, intersex people) are seen as an impediment to this class of homonormative individuals receiving their rights. For example, one empirical study found that in the Netherlands, transgender people and other gender non-conforming LGBTQ people are often looked down upon within their communities for not acting "normal." Those who do assimilate often become invisible in society and experience constant fear and shame about the non-conformers within their communities. (S Stryker)
- The average american/western household
- Younger years education
- Higher education centres
- Centres of organised religion eg; churches
- LGBT spaces
- Eve Kosovsky Sedgwick
- Michael Warner
- Adrienne Rich
- Gayle Rubin
- Susan Stryker
Significant Moments:
- Stonewall Riots
- Riot Grrrl
- 350 BCE – Plato publishes Laws in which the Athenian stranger and his companions criticize homosexuality as being lustful and wrong for society because it does not further the species and may lead to irresponsible citizenry.
- 1990-Homosexuality no longer considered an illness by the World Health organisation
- The gay liberation movement of the late 1960
Objects +Artefacts:
Wedding Rings |
Unnessacerily gendered products |
Weirdly heterosexual baby clothes |
Magazine adverts |
Who even knows tbh |